Having A Newborn Again

In 2016 we had our first baby, a little boy, H. I was 23 at the time and my now husband, 25 and we had absolutely no idea what we were doing. H wasn't a planned baby and when he was born we found out that he has Down's Syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome - You can find out more about Down's Syndrome here and Klinefelter Syndrome here - so we were pretty overwhelmed. He spent 18 days in NICU as he had some complications when born so when he came home he was already in an established routine which was pretty much the only way we survived. We always knew we wanted two children and so when I finally found out I was pregnant in March of 2023 we were beyond excited. F made her appearance in November and we were lucky enough to be able to bring her home just 24 hours after she was born, however this meant we had a newborn and a 7 year old to look after. F couldn't be more different to H, besides being a girl she is loud, clingy, chatty and needy. She lov...